Thursday, December 31, 2009

Home again

Yesterday at about 3pm I was discharged from the Austin Hospital. It is lovely to be home again. To sit in our surprisingly tidy bedroom and play a board game with the whole family. To have a tasty cup of tea and biscotti and to indulge in a long night's sleep. I still have some pain, but it is reducing as time goes on.
Today I went in to St Vincent's for my first follow up. These will be daily for a while. It turned out to be a long one. At 9.30 am I had my checks and blood tests as expected, but then they decided to change dressings and do an ultra sound and several nuclear scans that were timed and hour apart. Plus the hospital was very busy with a skeleton staff, so everything took time. I got out at 3.30pm.
The extended family had planned an afternoon tea which I only just made it too. But it was lovely to get there and catch up and the last minute and now I feel like I've been to one party this Christmas/ New Year season.
Thanks to all who have left gifts and food. Stuart has not kept a record of what is from whom so I apologize if I haven't thanked you personally. I'm afraid anyone who has left containers had better speak up so I can get them back to you.
We will be watching the fireworks from our balcony tonight and bringing it a very happy 2010.


  1. Wonderful to know that you are home again and that all is going well; love Hilary

  2. Happy happy New Year, Jane and the whole family! Great to know you are home and in such good spirits.

    with warm regards,
    Katarina and family
