Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wednesday 9th Decmber

The whole infusions, dialysis and plasma-replacement went much more smoothly today. We started just after 8am and concluded after 5pm, so it was another long day. They have prevented the problems with calcium leaching so no pins and needles this time and the cramping, which started out bad, was treated with magnesium and hasn't bothered me since. Also I seem to have crossed over the worst of the cold, and there is still a week before the transplant, so I might recover in time.


  1. That's good news. Will it delay the op if you haven't recovered?

  2. Fingers crossed! Let us know if you need help with anything over the weekend. We can even fold washing if asked nicely ;)

  3. I do have a very large pile of washing waiting, but we have hired our cleaners for an extra day on Monday so they will do it. Thanks.
