Monday, February 1, 2010


The time has come for the stent that is in the tube between my new kidney and the bladder to be removed. Sadly, yes, it comes out via the ureta. So I am off to day procedures on Thursday for that experience. I am told it hurts for about 24 hours afterwards and then settles down. The doctors are quite happy with how things are going at the moment. Stuart has arranged to work from home on thursday so he can pick me up after the procedure.


  1. Yes the STENT, There can big stories on this. I found it fine and it was all over before a new about it. Nice to see it on the TV as it happens. Can say that the woman that I talk to didn't like it, But some said it was fine, I have a cartoon on this for you. All the best. It's another step forward.
    Allan & Margaret

  2. owww, I still remember having something inserted for kidney x-rays when I was 7. Good luck!
