Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Platlettes and late nights

After a very full morning at the hospital, I had some good and some not so good news. On the good side the Hemeroids that had been troublesome at first after the transplant have all but gone. All the blood tests except the White blood cells and platelettes are okay. Which brings us to the platlettes which have been low but are now very, very low. This opens me up to potential infections.
It was decided after some debate to inject me with something to stimulate bone marrow and therefore blood production. This will hopefully not start rejection of the new kidney, but it is a slight risk. So where does the sleepless night come in? I hear you ask. The injection has caused terrible bone ache. It is mostly in my hips, spine, ribs and head. This is why I am having trouble sleeping.
I will be hiding from the world for a while waiting for an improvement in the white blood cells. So far I haven't come down with anything and I'm hoping to keep it that way.


  1. Not fair, but keep smiling
    Allan & Margaret

  2. We'll be thinking of you. Tell us when you are ready to un-hibernate!

  3. Best wishes for getting some sleep Jane, thinking of you.
