Thursday, October 21, 2010

Remission short lived

I am no longer in remission. As the head of Transplant feared my protin loss is greater than 3% now. So the plan is to have the retucimab infussion/s starting early november. This is a type of chemotheropy and will supress my immune system, so I will become prone to catching whatever is going around once more. The current research shows the sooner in the relapse Retucimab is used the more likely remission is achieved, so they are trying that first. There are a few other things we might try if it is not successful.


  1. Holy cow. This is like a 1000 round boxing match. Keep punching.

  2. Alan, Thinking of you, with fingers crossed.

  3. Thanks Jane, We are hopping it is just a hiccup

  4. Hi, Jane, hope the hiccup is over, they have put it down to much Meds

  5. Well Jane, I now know what it is like to be up ne day and down the next. I had bad news today.

  6. Sorry to hear that Allan. Mum says it isn't BK, so that is good news, nor is it rejection. I hope they sort it out quickly for your sake.
