Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I now have steroid induced diabeties. For some weeks I have been concerned about my eyesight, so I asked for blood sugar tests and they found my blood sugar was high. So they set me up with a blood sugar monitor and sent me away to record it 4 times a day for 5 days. Yesterday I was registered as diabetic and taught how to inject insulin. The diabeties educator also went though all the other concerns associated with the disease and treatment. The expectation is that I will be on relatively high dose steroids for about 6 months. Then on a small maintenance dose forever. It is hoped that once the dose reduces the diabeties will stop, but it might continue. The good news is that there isn't much change to my diet, as I was eating mostly a diabetic diet anyway and as my diabeties is drug induced the diet isn't such a big concern in my case.

Meanwhile it is a week since the permacath came out and two weeks since I stopped plasma exchange and I feel really optimistic about remission. In myself I feel like it is holding, and perhaps even improving.

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