Thursday, April 29, 2010

Four months on/ or What a cold can do

Everything was looking good after the three month biopsy came back clean. There was a longer microscopic test that took weeks to produce a result. it came up with a very small anomaly that is not diagnostic of anything, but might indicate a problem brewing.
I went to Perth for the Jewellers Conference and had a great time. Whilst I was there I developed a cold.I was quite pleased because I felt like a normal person with a cold. Before the transplant a cold would wipe me out for days or even weeks when I had to take to bed.
This time I had cold symptoms but didn't feel too bad, but the doctors at the hospital wanted me assessed anyway. So I spent the day after returning from Perth sitting in emergency( with a cold feeling like I would really rather be resting at home) from 10am until 3pm when they finally saw me and sent me for a chest xray ( it was clear). I was released at 6pm (feeling like I had wasted everyone's time).
Next morning, on Wednesday, I was back at the hospital for my clinic appointment. all seemed well. That afternoon I was recalled to the hospital for an extra blood test. Thursday morning I got a phone call to pack an overnight bag and return to hospital for more tests. In brief my creatnin level had risen from 120 the previous Wed to 220 a week later when I had the cold. So they ultra scanned me, gammer ray scanned me, blood and urin tested me and couldn't find anything wrong other than I had a cold. They wanted to biopsy me, so I was fasting, and arguing againsed it. (By this time I may have been a bit annoyed)
The blood tests showed improvements in the creatnin levels to I escaped without the biopsy.

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