Tuesday, January 12, 2010

First post Transplant Clinic

I was kept busy all morning with blood tests, nurses assessments, talks with the transplant coordinator about medications and infection risks and what to expect in the coming weeks and months. I also saw a Nephrologist about the medical side, all of which looks very good at this point. I will be allowed to drive after the 22nd January, assuming I feel up to it, and I will be able to take a bath and swim at the 8 week point. That is after the 22nd of Feburary and after the stent has been removed from my new kidney. My medications have been ajusted again, and seem set to slowly reducing doses, although I am still regarded as being on a high dose of immune suppression and have to be careful of infection. I now have a folder full of information to read before next weeks appointment.


  1. I was driving with in 4 days of getting out, But Margaret didn't like driving around Auckland at all.
