Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Clear sailing

All seems to have settled down. No biopsy happened because the creatin dropped to 141, with drinking lots of water. Yesterday I had an iron infusion to help with anemia. With the disease in remission and the other weird test results back to acceptable it looks like clear sailing for a while.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Februray Update

The Creatnin has gone up to the 190's and protin is 1.5 grams. As a result the doctors want to biopsy again.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


It was my birthday yesterday, now 48. I thought I'd better update the blogg with my status. I am anemic and therefore quite tired. The white blood cell count is also low. The doctors have reduced one of my immune suppression drugs, called Myfortic to see if my system will recover on it's own. The morning sickness symptom has reduced since this change, but I am still tired. Also the dose of prednisolone has come down to as low as they will go in a transplant recipient. It was reduced to 5mg last week and I have started to loose a little weight, fingers crossed this continues. I have also stopped being diabetic. They took me off the insulin on Tuesday and I have had good sugar levels since then. The retuximab infusions seem to have stopped me getting any worse. My stat's haven't changed much since November 2010, so that probably means the progress of the disease has been slowed or paused. They cannot know for sure unless they do another biopsy of the transplanted kidney. So I am expecting they will ask to do that in the next few months. Meanwhile they are doing an ultra-sound of the abdomen in case the low blood count is due to a slow bleed.