Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Good News

There is no FSGS in my biopsy sample. That means the old kidney disease is definately not there. There is no way to know how long this situation will last, but I am in remission and being encouraged to resume a normal life.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Second Attempt

Yesterday I went into day procedures for a second try at getting a biopsy sample. I arrived at 9am as requested and was prepared and ready to go in theatre at 11am. Then the surgeon asked if I had fasted, which I hadn't because I was not told to and didn't need to last time. The imaging staff use a different type of anesthetic to the renal doctors, so I was sent out to wait until 1pm. The procedure happened and two small samples were taken. We are hoping that is enough for pathology. The material they got last week was only fat and mussel, no kidney at all. The surgeon yesterday, said it was one of the trickiest biopsyies he has done. After the post biopsy 4 hours on your back and 1 hour sitting up, I didn't get out until about 7pm last night. Now I am on light duties for another 5 days, no running, no lifting heavy things.

Monday, March 15, 2010


It took three attempts today to get a very small sample of my transplanted kidney. It has gone to pathology. If it isn't enough then i will have to have another biopsy next week. I now have to rest for 5 days and hope next week isn't a repeat of this week.