A brief time line
(This has been put here for some people who have requested it and did not receive via email earlier)
early december, jane will have a number of infussions as day procedures to prepare for transplant. This is to try to get the levels of FSGS as low as possible with the intent that it will not attack the transplant. FSGS is my kidney disease. It is thought to be an auto immune disease. The chances of it coming back in the transplant are roughly 50/50.
A week before the transplant jane will be put back onto immume supressing medication. This in known to effect mood, that is i am likely to become quite emotional. I will also start to swell up again with fluid, in time will get hairer etc. I will remain on this medication for ever. The dose will reduce over time.
Wed 16th december jane admitted to Austin Hospital in Heidelberg, ward 7 north, to be put on a drip. This is to get my blood to the correct thickness to have an operation. I have been on blood thinning medication ever since the stroke two years ago.
Wednesday 16th december Mum is admitted to the Austin also. we are both prepared for the operation the following day.
Thursday 17th december The kidney is taken out of Mum in the morning, 2-3 hour operation. Then put into jane in the early afternoon about 4hour operation. we are returned to the same floor, in seperate rooms. The recipients usually in a single room and the donors in another room.
Jane is in isolation for 3 days due to high levels of immune supression. This is to reduce the chances of complications through infection.
Monday 21st December Mum may be discharged. She will not be allowed to lift or drive for 4-6 weeks.
Jane can have visitors if all is going well. Please do not visit if you have a sniffle or if someone in your family is ill. No flowers will be allowed in the hospital. (Please save them for when I come home). Visits are restricted to no more than 10-15 minutes and a maximum two people at a time. You will be able to ring stuart to arrange a good time to visit.
Thursday 24th december Jane may be discharged.
For the following 6 weeks
jane must visit St Vincent's Hospital, Fitzroy every day for blood tests and outpaitient consultation, yes that does include Christmas day and the other public holidays. I am not allowed to drive or lift.
For the 6 weeks following, that is week 7-12. jane may be allowed to start driving and lifting. I will still have to go for blood tests and outpatient consultations three times a week for 4 weeks, and then twice a week for another 4 weeks.
During the first 3 months after a transplant most recipients have a period of rejection that is controlled quickly (98%).
For the first 12 months I am advised not to travel. That is I should be within 15 mins. of medical help at all times.